Saturday, April 23, 2011

Lot cleared, but not by me?

Last weekend Susan and I drove out to the lot and as we reached the end of the road to turn toward the sea I noticed some burned area. I commented that someone must be clearing their lot. Susan says, I told you last week there had been a brush fire out-West and she thought it was near our property. Me, "WTF?", no! i don't remember any such thing! Well, boy had there been a brush fire. About 20 acres! That's a lot on this island. So going on down toward the sea and our place there is nothing but burn on the right. Shit! Didn't cross the road so neighbours houses were OK. Then i say to Susan we just saved $350.00 not having to have it chopped. We lucked-out. I have been cutting down the Guinea grass cane that remained and then started planting trees; coconut, lime, avocado, and of course MANGO!

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