Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Rain atlast!

It has been a long dry first part of the year. Good for tourism, what little of that there was. But rough on the farmers of the island and their livestock. Man, they grow alot of goats here. Eat alot too, I must say I enjoy stewed goat on rice a whole lot. The horses seem to just roam around and find grazing whereever it's available, shopping center parkink median, hospital grounds, apartment grounds, roadside, and ofcourse vacant lots. Susan noted that they keeps horses like we keep dogs on the continent. Difference is we fence our horses and dogs, here they only fence their dogs, to protect the house.

Anyway, we finally got some significant rain. A small tropical front meandered over us from the SW and just dumped on us. Hooray!! The trees we have been planting have begun to put-out new leaves and you can see them smiling. The pineapples are perking-up as are the peppers and tomatoes, fruit all of a sudden, Yes. The soil now loosened and Susan could put shovel into it. So, she planted an orange tree, bannana, and a frangapanni. Grow for it farmer Susan!

Mangos have been coming-in for a few weeks now and boy are they sweet. Not to big butn Sweet. So many falling along the roads the sweet smell can overwhelm as they rot. Yes, mangos rot.


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