Sunday, June 5, 2011

It's a bunch of Bull!

The air is still and humid, but still cooler than SC. They been having 90's and we in the mid 80's. And when the clouds come along it is quite pleasant. The plants are all doing well and the garden has begun fruiting, or vegging as it were. The iguanas (Larry's) have not been a problem since the mongooses are rampant. Still have not found a good receipt for mongoose and the Crucians look at me as if I were more daft than I am. I think any prep done for rabbit would work for mongoose. Like I'm really going to go out and catch one of the damn things. But if one were given to me, now that's another thing. I did find-out that some folk do raise rabbit on island and sell dressed and frozen ones. that is on the menu.

Posting has been frustrating lately, our wireless modem comes and goes. be online then off with no notice. Unplug the thing let it rest, plug back in and maybe a few minutes of access. so when I feel like sitting here it may not want to play. damn thing. going to the shop Monday. i see it flashing that weird flash now, may be gone? Yep, gone. Hope this saves. Yep it saved now gonna post.

1 comment:

  1. I'd have thought that any recipe that works for squirrel would work for mongoose. Brunswick stew, perhaps?
