Saturday, June 25, 2011

Chaya, got some? No, get some!

Through my misidentifying a neglected plant I have been introduced to a most fantastic herb. The chaya plant. Yall folks over there in Belize May know it as kikilchay or chaykeken since this plant is a Mayan staple. It is also known as spinach tree. here "snow coral" for the white flowers. This plant has so many health benefits it is amazing. besides tastes like and used like spinach. Probably put in many a calaloo dish here. Anyway can't wait to plant some and start adding it to the diet. Pictures soon come.
I thought the plant was a neglected papaya, similar leaves and stalk. Since on of the volunteers brought in leaves of each mature I could easily see the difference. One week at the gardens and my health is already improving.
Mango Melee this Sunday, hope they got a Mango bar! No Smoothies PleaSE!

1 comment:

  1. So what is chaya called back here in SC?
    And why don't you answer my questions when I post on your blog, damnit?
