Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Mango Melee

And it was a Melee! What a great event. just a total "Blow-Out"! I must say, the folks of St. Croix do love festivals. Party! and all ages enjoy. I have been avoiding other 'fests because of the sheer number of cars and crowds, but getting here way early and leaving just before the end made it good. And I was holed-up in a shady part of the nursery for most of the day. I did make it to the bar tent a couple of times for iced beer, the mango slushy thing (daiquiri?) was just too sweet. Iced beer quite refreshing. One of the vendors had "mango wine", I don't think so. shit knocked your flops off. The dread-heads loved it, the look on others faces as they sipped on the shot was hilarious. Me think he mixed some mango juice with overproof rum and called it wine. Why not. Try a shot, buy a skewer of grilled meat. try another shot, buy two skewers, and so-on. The guy was a trip, and had his gig down. I just stood there for a while and enjoyed the show. I did have to try two of the shots just to make sure the wine had reached it's peak and boy had it. The meat I passed on, just not quite sure on that one, he had been sampling the wine for some time, and I didn't see and ice chest for the uncooked skewers. I'm sure one was there and they were very well cooked. Just me on that one. Good plant sales, sell-out on vendor slots, great attendance so the place should have made some $$$. Now let's us have a party!

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