Monday, January 17, 2011

North Shore

well we've been here two weeks now and things are settleing down a bit. That's right, let's get back on islandtime. Susan is in the groove at work, Mom was sick with a cold for the first week or so but feeling better now still swilling cough syrup though and wine. she must be feeling better. I got someone lined-up to chop the lot so party-on!! Here a some shots of the Northwest side.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Farmers Mkt.

Saturday morning farmers market at Le Reine. this is at the crossroads of Northside Rd. and Centerline. You also get fresh conch and lobster there mid-day. No Sundays! All home gardeners with small bits of stuff and sauces. Freaking expensive sauces, guess I'll be taking some of mine up there. don't know yet if they will let a white guy sell there. Will look into that as I buy more there and work-up a rapport. I did find some nice okra, turnip greens, and green onions. And got a small breadfruit to make breadfruit salad, same as potato salad but better. Now if I can get the car out of bondage on Monday all is good. Cheers!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Finally up and running

Internet!!! Finally got some. Been on St. Croix four days and and just got a wireless modem from Choice Communications, and it works!! Nobody in this condo complex had any ideas on how to get Internet except the wireless cards, they didn't want any more wires running down the building. So venting my frustration up at Susan's work her boss told us about Choice and where it was. So off I go and now we are up and running. Still got to get the lot chopped but soon come. Had my first lobster for the year last night oh-so-good. Da year look'n good.