Sunday, July 3, 2011

What a Prick!

Check-out the thorns on these things. They're "kasha" (Acacia farnesiana) thorns and they are way wicked. the thorns even survived the burn and got tuffer. Glad I had a tractor do the chopping last year. But these things surround us. And new ones are sprouting. Great intruder deterrent. Even old thorns come right-up through the flops. Be a while before barefootin in the yard. Now I will admit that they do have pretty little yellow flowers, but the thorns make them better in the neighbours yard and enjoy the flowers from afar.

Another tropical wave moved through yesterday with wind and rain, the plants are lovin it. Worms got to the garden before I got to them, squash gone, cucumbers gone, chard hurtin, tom's and peppers refoliating. BT working. The little lime trees are growing like crazy as are the bananas.

cheers to all!