Monday, April 8, 2013

Carambola, star fruit

I can't believe it. I planted this little carambola tree a couple of months ago and it's blooming like crazy and I found some small fruit already, for true! the damn trunk diameter is just about an inch. I am keeping it irrigated with drip and fed regularly so we will see if any of the fruit make it to maturity. I love star fruit, the small sweet ones that is. those big tart one are just good for garnish, IMHO. The wind out here can be quite drying and water is a premium so let's see what happens.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Pineapple & Nam Wah Banana Blooming

This morning while out tending the garden I noticed one of the pineapple I planted back in September is beginning to fruit. So cool and the Nam Wah banana is blooming. Must have been the rain we got over Easter. Poor folks camping on the beach, a Crucian tradition to move to the beach for Easter weekend, but the rain was truly needed.
Pineapple begining!
Nam Wah banana flowering.

Pineapple propagation, store bought pineapple, Part 2

With the pineapple top I potted back on Jan. 3rd. rooted in the pot and new leaves established it's time to move it into the container that it will be planted into the ground in. For the potting I use a soda cracker tin with holes punched in the bottom and lower sides, composted manure, and a high quality potting mix with pine bark and peat moss with a starter fertilizer. Once the leaves are 12 to 18 inches long I will plant it in the ground.
Loose potting mix  &  composted manure

Potted and ready to grow!